Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brown Recluse Spider Bite

   The brown recluse spider bite is very harmful. It has a venom that is extremely poisonous, even more potent than that of a rattlesnake. Yet recluse venom causes less disease than a rattlesnake bite because of the small quantities injected into its victims. Brown recluse spider bite may lead to the destruction of red blood cells, low platelet count, coma and even death. What is more dangerous is that you can’t feel the pain. It is often unnoticed because they are painless bites. Symptoms usually develop two to eight hours after a bite and always keep in mind that brown recluse spider bite causes little tissue damage. Victims may experience muscle pain, fever, vomiting, nausea, severe itching and severe pain at bite site after about four hours
           The bite side is mildly red and you can see unnoticeable fang marks. Most commonly, the bite site will become firm and heal with little scaring over the next few days or weeks. If untreated, reaction will become more severe erythema and making the skin hot. It sometimes leads to blue discoloration and eventually lead to narcotic lesion. Brown recluse spider bite needs to be medicated right away to get rid of some undesirable happenings such as death. You have to see a doctor that day and if possible you must identify the spider because it helps in making the correct diagnosis. If ever the patient wouldn’t be able to see a doctor that day, then he must seek care at a hospital's Emergency Department. Be careful, brown recluse spider bite might be the reason of your sudden death.


  1. EWWW! gross! anyways, where can you particularly see brown recluse spiders?? so that people can be aware of their surroundings too.

  2. nice work..............

    keep it up..........
